Friday, January 7, 2022

Film Opening Research #2- Murder Mystery

How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film?

The first and only title that appears is "Happy Madison Productions," which is the film's producing firm. The term "Murder Mystery" does not appear in this film.

What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?
The visuals that are prioritized in the opening sequence are two men walking down the street. This indicates that these two men will play pivotal roles in the film. Another example is a woman doing hair at her profession, a hair salon, and she is discussing how her husband promised her a trip to Europe 15 years ago, but they have never taken it. The camera then zooms in on a photograph of Europe on her work desk that her spouse had given her.

What connotations do the images carry?
The first scene, with the two guys strolling, gives the impression that it is gloomy and dark outdoors, which fits with the title, Murder Mystery, and adds suspense. A New York Police Department cruiser is also parked directly behind them. In the next scene, the implication conveyed is that humor is introduced, indicating that the film will be a comedy. There are a handful of dry jokes made in the hair salon scene. It also revealed that the plot of the film would revolve around a trip to Europe.

How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?
Symbolic and technological codes are used to reinforce the horror comedy genre. With the zoom in of the picture of Europe, for example, technical codes can be observed. In addition, the comic genre is evident, particularly in the hair shop scene, but also while the two men are strolling. They crack one-liner jokes, as Adam Sandler is famous for.

How does the film establish an enigma from the outset?
From the start, this film creates a mystery by posing the question of whether they are heading to Europe or not. Also, what will happen in Europe if they refuse to leave? Also, as the two guys are walking and conversing towards the beginning of the film, one of them notes that they failed a certain test and that the wife will be furious. As a result, another question/puzzle arises: what was the test, why did he fail, and why would his wife be upset.

What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?
One of the tactics employed is the utilization of well-known and well-known performers who are familiar to younger people between the ages of 16 and 30. The usage of actors also works nicely with the film's status as a comedy. For example, the primary actor is Adam Sandler, who is well-known for his comedic work and is also well-known among younger audiences. Jennifer Anniston is another actor who is popular with the younger generation. In addition, there is uplifting music in the beginning, which is a common approach in comic films.

How has technology been used effectively? You might want to consider camera angles, transitions and editing techniques.
The movie's opening scene makes good use of technology. For instance, the camera follows two men as they walk while also displaying the background in dimmer illumination. The camera angle employed when the two men are walking is an eye level shot. This is utilized to elicit emotion and establish a bond between the characters. In the opening two minutes of the film, there are also a lot of zooms. This is done with a close-up camera angle. When the spouse receives a text message, the camera zooms in on the phone, and it also zooms in on the picture of Europe. When the scene changes and a rapid cut is utilized to change it, transitions and editing techniques are seen.

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