Monday, February 14, 2022

Preparing to Film

Actors: When it comes to the actors, we decided to give Cuba (Brett Hayes) the starring role. In addition to Cuba, we will also have Kevin, Israel, and myself as actors. However, we still are undecided on the roles that each of us will play.

Costumes: The costumes that we use will vary depending on the scene. The costumes include casual clothing, baseball and coach uniforms.

Props: We will use many props throughout this film including baseball equipment, various small props like writing utensils, and a massage gun.

Locations: For the film, we will be filming mainly in the school in different environments. These environments include the classroom, training room, and baseball field.

Dates and Times: We are hoping to film in the school at different times in the day. We plan to film at least 2 days during the week and 1 day in the weekend.

Scripts: The script highlights a day in the life of the sensational D1 baseball star Cuba. Hence, we will show what it takes to be D1 in the classroom and on the field to reach your goals.

Film Equipment: In order to make this film, we will use our phones too capture the film and use different editing software's to edit the film.

Monday, February 7, 2022

Initial Storyboard


Explanation: To begin with, we chose the genre of a documentary. Because of this, we will highlight how the life is of a D1 athlete, Cuba. Throughout the movie, we will film the different lifestyle of a student athlete. In the classroom, and on the baseball field. As you can see, we will first start with entering school for a long day. We then will highlight Cuba learning in a classroom to show that he still cares about his academics and that he needs them to attend a top school. After the school day, Cuba will head to the baseball field to put in some work and practice his elite skills. However, after putting in lots of work, Cuba needs to recover at Edison's room to tend to his injuries. Through the pain that he went through, it will all pay off because his commitment decision is in the following day. Of course, Cuba decides to choose Vandy to start his D1 career and follow whatever his heart desires.

Creative Critical Reflection